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August 1st 2024

Selected the new Director of Fondazione Chip IT
Starting from August 1st 2024, Dr Carlo Reita, has been mominated Director of Fondazione Chip IT. Dr. Carlo Reita graduated at the La Sapienza University in Roma. He had a long and briliant career at the CEA-LETI in Grenoble, where he became Director for Strategic Partnersip and Planning. Afterwards he moved to CEA to become Director of development of research and innovation alliances, Technology Research Division, before applying for the call of Fondazione Chips IT.

July 30th 2024

Officially launched the consortium for the Italian Pilot Line
On 30 July, at the CNR headquarters in Rome, the consortium was officially established that will be responsible for the creation, in the Catania area, of a Pilot Line for power microelectronics, within the framework of the Pilot Lines program of the Chips JU. The pilot line aims to develop innovative applications in the field of electric mobility and telecommunications.

June 13th 2024

   APRE FP10
APRE opens a new portal “Verso FP10”.
The new portal by APRE is devoted to the build up of the new R&I Framework Program FP10.

May 31st, 2024

   SiC ST fab .
STMicroelectronics announces a new SiC manufacturing facility in Catania
STMicroelectronics announces a new high-volume 200mm SiC manufacturing facility for power devices and modules, as well as test and packaging, to be built in Catania, Italy. Combined with the SiC substrate manufacturing facility being readied on the same site, these facilities will form ST’s Silicon Carbide Campus, realizing the Company’s vision of a fully vertically integrated manufacturing facility for the mass production of SiC on one site.
Press Release

May 16th 2024

   Chips JU .
Final list of the KDT JU 2023 proposals retained for funding
The decision of the Public Authority Board of the Chips JU with the final list of the proposals submitted for the calls 2023 2023 that have been retained for funding is now available on the web site of the Chips JU under “Approving the 3rd amendment of the selection of project proposals retained for funding”.
Documents of the Chips JU

May 14th 2024

   Silicon Box .
MIMIT opens the call for the funding of CHIPS JU 2024 projects.
On May 14, 2024, MIMIT has published the call "Sostegno all'elettronica innovativa (Chips JU)", which makes available €17M funding for the Italian participation to the calls 2024 of the Chips JU. Funding requests must be submitted to MIMIT within the deadline of the Chips JU full proposal (September 17, 2024 at 17:00).
Info on the call

April 11th, 2024

   Silicon Box
Silicon Box will invest 3.2bn Euro in a new fab in italy.
Adolfo Urso, the Italian Minister of Industry and Made in Italy, and Byung Joon (BJ) Han, co-founder and CEO of Silicon Box have announced the conclusion of an agreement worth 3.2 billion euros for a new production plant in Italy. The plant, the first of its kind in the European Union, qualifies as part of the Pillar 2 of the Chips Act. Silicon Box is a Singapore-based company specialized in chiplet integration, advanced packaging and testing technologies.
Press release

   Chips JU
The 4th Pilot Line approved by the Chips JU in Catania
With the funding decision dated April 11, 2024, the Public Authorities Board of the Chips JU has approved the proposal for a 4th Pilot Line, focusing on wide gap semiconductors, led by CNR Italy, and to be located in Catania. The total cost approved in in excess of 362 million Euro, half of which from national governments, and half from European funds.
Press release

   Chips JU
MIMIT opens a call for projects on semiconductors
With a decree dated April 11 2024 – Contratti di sviluppo. Apertura sportello semiconduttori - MIMIT defines the terms and methods of access to the resources of the Fund aimed at promoting research and development of microprocessor technology and investment in new industrial applications of innovative technologies to support the growth and technological development of the national semiconductor supply chain through the granting of financial incentives to companies provided for by the Development Contracts facilitation instrument.

February 20th, 2024

   Fondazione Chips.IT
Opening of the call for the Director of Fondazione Chips.IT
The call has been opened for the selection of the director of the Fondazione Chips.IT. The deadline of the call is March the 18th. Text of the call and further details are available on the web site of the Fondazione.
Details of the call

February 10th, 2024

   MIMIT 2024
New department at MIMIT for Digital Industry
The MIMIT (the Italian Ministry for Industry) has bee restructured in four main Departments, one of which is the Department for Digital Industry, Connectivity and new Technologies. At the head of the Department is Dr.Eva Spina. The Department includes two Directorates: Directorate for digital and telecommunications and Directorate for enabling technologies. The latter covers also Microelectronics and Photonics.
November 3rd, 2023

Launch Event of Fondazione Chips.IT
On November 3, 2023, at the University of Pavia has taken place the launch event of the Foundation,the Italian center for the design of semiconductor integrated circuits. The mission of the Foundation is to strengthen the Italian capabilities in the design of integrated circuits, increase the professional formation in the field of Microelectronics, and establish a network of Universities, Research Centers and Industrial partners to support innovation and attract investments. Statutes have been defined and are under approval.
Press release